# Obsidian Asymptote An Obsidian plugin for rendering [Asymptote](https://asymptote.sourceforge.io/) drawings within notes. ## Demo ````md # Asymptote Demo This note shows how you can use Asymptote to draw images directly in notes. See for example this picture: ```asy unitsize(1cm); path radius = (0, 0) -- (1 / sqrt(2), 1 / sqrt(2)); currentpen = currentpen + white; // Shading fill(unitcircle, p = colorless(currentpen) + opacity(0.2) + dashed + blue); // Boundary draw(unitcircle, p = colorless(currentpen) + dashed + red); // Radius draw(radius, green, L = scale(0.5) * Label("$r$")); // Centre dot((0, 0), L = scale(0.5) * Label("$x_0$")); ``` ```` ## Building From Source ``` > npm i > npm run build ``` ## Dependencies Due to Asymptote not having any real support for use as a pure library, this plugin works by calling an Asymptote installation on a file created in the file system's temporary directory. As such, this plugin is not standalone, and [Asymptote](https://asymptote.sourceforge.io/binaries.html) must be installed. ## Styling Asymptote SVGs have their `width` and `height` properties stripped so that they can be independently styled using CSS. See `styles.css` for an example. In short, `asy-rendered` is the class of the `div` that directly wraps the child `svg` with the drawing itself.