# Obsidian MathJax WikiLinks Obsidian plugin to render MathJax within WikiLinks. > **Note**: > This plugin is no longer hosted on the community plugins list for Obsidian and I have no long term plans to maintain it, as it has exactly the functionality that I personally need. > > The functionality this plugin provided was merged into [obsidian-mathlinks](https://github.com/zhaoshenzhai/obsidian-mathlinks) upon release [release 0.3.0](https://github.com/zhaoshenzhai/obsidian-mathlinks/releases/tag/0.3.0), and [zhaoshenzhai](https://github.com/zhaoshenzhai) who developed that plugin has since added with added live preview support. ## Demo In vanilla obsidian, the WikiLink `[[sigma-algebra|$\sigma$-algebra]]` renders without the MathJax expression as follows: ![No MathJax Link](no-mathjax-link.png) while links of the form `[$\sigma$-algebra](sigma-algebra.md)` will render correctly: ![MathJax Link](mathjax-link.png) This plugin unifies the two versions, rendering MathJax properly in the first case. ## Building From Source ``` > npm i > npm run build ```