open General (** Opens and returns an output channel at the specified path. *) val open_out : string -> Stdlib.out_channel (** Closes the provided output channel. *) val close_out : Stdlib.out_channel -> unit (** Formatted printing to a provided output channel. *) val printf : Stdlib.out_channel -> ('a, Stdlib.out_channel, unit) Stdlib.format -> 'a (** Writes the given string to a file at the specified filepath. *) val write_all_text : string -> string -> unit (** Opens and returns an input channel at the specified path. *) val open_in : string -> Stdlib.in_channel (** Closes the provided input channel. *) val close_in : Stdlib.in_channel -> unit (** Reads the specified number of characters from the provided input channel as a string. *) val read_n_chars : Stdlib.in_channel -> int -> string (** Reads from the specified file as a string. *) val read_all_text : string -> string