open FromStdlib open Types let pop (st : 'a stack) : 'a option * 'a stack = match st with | Empty -> (None, Empty) | Stacked (x, xs) -> (Some x, xs) let push (a : 'a) (st : 'a stack) : 'a stack = Stacked (a, st) let peek (st : 'a stack) : 'a option = match st with | Empty -> None | Stacked (x, xs) -> Some x let empty : 'a stack = Empty let rec height_helper (height : int) (st : 'a stack) = match st with | Empty -> height | Stacked (x, xs) -> height_helper (height + 1) xs let height (st : 'a stack) : int = height_helper 0 st let is_empty (st : 'a stack) = match st with | Empty -> true | Stacked _ -> false