# build recompiles and links all files (no incemental builds) build: # fromStdlib manages things that need to be exposed from the standard library ocamlopt -i fromStdlib.ml > fromStdlib.mli ocamlopt -S -O3 -c fromStdlib.mli fromStdlib.ml # types for other modules separated to easily expose without module reference in projects ocamlopt -S -O3 -nopervasives -c types.mli types.ml # the following files make up the core custom standard library code ocamlopt -S -O3 -nopervasives -c functions.mli functions.ml ocamlopt -S -O3 -nopervasives -c stack.mli stack.ml ocamlopt -S -O3 -nopervasives -c list.mli list.ml ocamlopt -S -O3 -nopervasives -c map.mli map.ml ocamlopt -S -O3 -nopervasives -c queue.mli queue.ml ocamlopt -S -O3 -nopervasives -c set.mli set.ml ocamlopt -S -O3 -nopervasives -c tree.mli tree.ml # main is the main file to run code in ocamlopt -i main.ml > main.mli ocamlopt -S -O3 -nopervasives -c main.mli main.ml # after all files are individually compiled with -nopervasives, this is compiled with it so that fromStdlib has the necessary linking ocamlopt -S -O3 fromStdlib.cmx types.cmx functions.cmx stack.cmx list.cmx map.cmx queue.cmx set.cmx tree.cmx main.cmx -o program # clean removes all except source files. autogenerated mli files are also removed. clean: rm -f *.o *.a *.s *.cmi *.cmx *.cmxa *.cmo *.cma fromStdlib.mli main.mli program # mostlyclean removes all except source files and the final executable. autogenerated mli files are also removed. mostlyclean: rm -f *.o *.a *.s *.cmi *.cmx *.cmxa *.cmo *.cma fromStdlib.mli main.mli # install builds, mostlycleans and runs install: make build make mostlyclean ./program # just runs the executable if it has been produced by make build make run: ./program