type 'a queue = { front : 'a list; back : 'a list } type 'a result = | Error of string | Success of 'a type 'a stack = | Empty | Stacked of 'a * 'a stack type 'a tree = | Leaf | Branch of 'a * 'a tree list let ignore = FromStdlib.ignore let id (x : 'a) = x let ( >> ) f g x = g (f x) let ( << ) g f x = g (f x) let ( |> ) = FromStdlib.pipeline let ( = ) = FromStdlib.equal let ( <> ) = FromStdlib.not_equal let ( < ) = FromStdlib.less_than let ( > ) = FromStdlib.greater_than let ( <= ) = FromStdlib.less_than_or_equal let ( >= ) = FromStdlib.greater_than_or_equal let not = FromStdlib.not let ( or ) = FromStdlib.or_ let ( & ) = FromStdlib.and_