mod vcs; mod edit; mod vault; mod index; mod error; mod tasks; mod state; mod graph; mod stats; mod config; mod colour; use tasks::Id; use std::path; #[derive(clap::Parser, Debug)] struct Args { #[clap(subcommand)] command : Command, } #[derive(clap::Subcommand, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] #[clap(version, help_short='h', about, author, global_setting=clap::AppSettings::DisableHelpSubcommand)] enum Command { /// Create a new task. New { #[clap(short, long)] name : String, #[clap(short, long)] info : Option, #[clap(short, long)] tags : Vec, #[clap(short, long)] dependencies : Vec, #[clap(short, long, value_enum)] priority : Option, /// Due date, expecting format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss #[clap(long)] due : Option, }, /// Displays the specified task in detail. View { id_or_name : String, }, /// Edit a task directly. Edit { id_or_name : String, /// Edit the info specifically in its own file. #[clap(short, long)] info : bool, }, /// Delete a task (move file to trash). Delete { id_or_name : String, }, /// Mark a task as complete. Complete { id_or_name : String, }, /// Run Git commands at the root of the vault. #[clap(trailing_var_arg=true)] Git { args : Vec, }, /// Run Subversion commands at the root of the vault. #[clap(trailing_var_arg=true)] Svn { args : Vec, }, /// Adds the recommended .gitignore file to the vault. #[clap(name="gitignore")] GitIgnore, /// Lists tasks according to the specified ordering and filters. List { // Need to have options for: // - column to order by // - ascending or descending // - which columns to include // - filters which exclude values }, /// For tracking time against a task. Track { id_or_name : String, #[clap(short='H', default_value_t=0)] hours : u16, #[clap(short='M', default_value_t=0)] minutes : u16, }, /// For statistics about the state of your vault. #[clap(subcommand)] Stats(StatsCommand), /// For making changes to global configuration. #[clap(subcommand)] Config(ConfigCommand), /// Commands for interacting with vaults. #[clap(subcommand)] Vault(VaultCommand), /// Switches to the specified vault. Switch { name : String, }, } #[derive(clap::Subcommand, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] enum StatsCommand { /// View time tracked per tag recently. Tracked { #[clap(short, long, default_value_t=7)] days : u16, }, /// View recently completed tasks. Completed { #[clap(short, long, default_value_t=7)] days : u16, }, } #[derive(clap::Subcommand, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] enum ConfigCommand { /// For checking or changing default text editor command. Editor { /// Command to launch editor. Omit to view current editor. editor : Option, } } #[derive(clap::Subcommand, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] enum VaultCommand { /// Creates a new vault at the specified location of the given name. New { name : String, path : path::PathBuf, }, /// Disconnects the specified vault from toru, without altering the files. Disconnect { name : String, }, /// Connects an existing fault to toru. Connect { name : String, path : path::PathBuf, }, /// Deletes the specified vault along with all of its data. Delete { name : String, }, /// Lists all configured vaults. List, /// For renaming an already set up vault. Rename { old_name : String, new_name : String, } } fn main() { let result = program(); match result { Ok(()) => (), Err(err) => { println!("{}", err); } } } fn program() -> Result<(), error::Error> { let command = { use clap::Parser; Args::parse().command }; let mut config = config::Config::load()?; use Command::*; if let Vault(command) = command { use VaultCommand::*; match command { New { name, path } => { vault::new(name.clone(), path, &mut config)?; println!("Created vault {}", colour::vault(&name)); }, Disconnect { name } => { vault::disconnect(&name, &mut config)?; println!("Disconnected vault {}", colour::vault(&name)); }, Connect { name , path } => { vault::connect(name.clone(), path, &mut config)?; println!("Connected vault {}", colour::vault(&name)); }, Delete { name } => { vault::delete(&name, &mut config)?; println!("Deleted vault {}", colour::vault(&name)); }, List => { config.list_vaults()?; }, Rename { old_name, new_name } => { config.rename_vault(&old_name, new_name.clone())?; println!("Renamed vault {} to {}", colour::vault(&old_name), colour::vault(&new_name)); } } } else if let Config(command) = command { use ConfigCommand::*; match command { Editor { editor } => { match editor { Some(editor) => { config.editor = editor; println!("Updated editor command to: {}", config.editor); }, None => { println!("Current editor command: {}", config.editor); } } } } } else if let Switch { name } = command { config.switch(&name)?; println!("Switched to vault {}", colour::vault(&name)); } else if let Git { args } = command { let vault_folder = &config.current_vault()?.1; vcs::command(args, vcs::Vcs::Git, vault_folder)?; } else if command == GitIgnore { let vault_folder = &config.current_vault()?.1; vcs::create_gitignore(vault_folder)?; println!("Default {} file created", colour::file(".gitignore")); } else if let Svn { args } = command { let vault_folder = &config.current_vault()?.1; vcs::command(args, vcs::Vcs::Svn, vault_folder)?; } // Commands that require loading in the state. else { let vault_folder = &config.current_vault()?.1; let mut state = state::State::load(vault_folder)?; match command { New { name, info, tags, dependencies, priority, due } => { let task = tasks::Task::new(name, info, tags, dependencies, priority, due, vault_folder, &mut state)?; println!("Created task {} (ID: {})", colour::task_name(&, colour::id(; }, Delete { id_or_name } => { let id =; let task = tasks::Task::load(id, vault_folder, false)?; let name =;,;; task.delete()?; println!("Deleted task {} (ID: {})", colour::task_name(&name), colour::id(id)); }, View { id_or_name } => { let id =; let task = tasks::Task::load(id, vault_folder, true)?; task.display(vault_folder, &state)?; }, Edit { id_or_name, info } => { let id =; if info { edit::edit_info(id, vault_folder.clone(), &config.editor)?; } else { edit::edit_raw(id, vault_folder.clone(), &config.editor, &mut state)?; } println!("Updated task {}", colour::id(id)); }, Track { id_or_name, hours, minutes } => { let id =; let mut task = tasks::Task::load(id, vault_folder, false)?; let entry = tasks::TimeEntry::new(hours, minutes);;; }, Stats(command) => { use StatsCommand::*; match command { Tracked { days } => { stats::time_per_tag(days, vault_folder)?; }, Completed { days } => { stats::completed_tasks(days, vault_folder)?; } } }, Complete { id_or_name } => { let id =; let mut task = tasks::Task::load(id, vault_folder, false)?; = Some(chrono::Local::now().naive_local());; println!("Marked task {} as complete", colour::id(id)); }, List {} => { tasks::list(vault_folder)?; }, // All commands which are dealt with in if let chain at start. Vault(_) | Config(_) | Git { args : _ } | Svn { args : _ } | Switch { name : _ } | GitIgnore => unreachable!(), }; }; Ok(()) }