code cleanup; listed invariants; enforce duration minutes invariant across edits; renamed notes to tasks everywhere
This commit is contained in:
@ -775,7 +775,7 @@ dependencies = [
name = "toru"
version = "0.3.0"
version = "0.4.0"
dependencies = [
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
# Data Invariants
This file contains notes on invariants which must be upheld across running toru commands for the vault and configuration.
# tasks::Task
- name cannot be purely numeric
- ID must be unique
# tasks::Duration
- minutes should be less than 60
# state::State (in state.toml)
- the `next_id` should always be greater than the ID of any task within the vault
# index::Index (in state.toml)
- the index of name to ID map should be correct given the names and IDs of all vaults
# graph::Graph (in state.toml)
- should always have dependencies the same as specified in each task file
- no circular dependencies should be allowed to exist between tasks (and by extension should not exist in the state file)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
use crate::tasks;
use crate::tasks::Id;
use std::path;
impl Args {
pub fn accept_command() -> Command {
use clap::Parser;
#[derive(clap::Parser, Debug)]
pub struct Args {
pub command : Command,
#[derive(clap::Subcommand, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[clap(version, help_short='h', about, author, global_setting=clap::AppSettings::DisableHelpSubcommand)]
pub enum Command {
/// Create a new task.
New {
#[clap(short, long)]
name : String,
#[clap(short, long)]
info : Option<String>,
#[clap(short, long)]
tag : Vec<String>,
#[clap(short, long)]
dependency : Vec<Id>,
#[clap(short, long, value_enum)]
priority : Option<tasks::Priority>,
/// Due date, expecting format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss
due : Option<chrono::NaiveDateTime>,
/// Displays the specified task in detail.
View {
id_or_name : String,
/// Edit a task directly.
Edit {
id_or_name : String,
/// Edit the info specifically in its own file.
#[clap(short, long)]
info : bool,
/// Delete a task (move file to trash).
Delete {
id_or_name : String,
/// Mark a task as complete.
Complete {
id_or_name : String,
/// Run Git commands at the root of the vault.
Git {
args : Vec<String>,
/// Run Subversion commands at the root of the vault.
Svn {
args : Vec<String>,
/// Adds the recommended .gitignore file to the vault.
/// Lists tasks according to the specified fields, ordering and filters.
List {
options : ListOptions,
/// For tracking time against a task.
Track {
id_or_name : String,
#[clap(short='H', default_value_t=0)]
hours : u16,
#[clap(short='M', default_value_t=0)]
minutes : u16,
/// Date for the time entry [default: Today]
#[clap(short, long)]
date : Option<chrono::NaiveDate>,
/// Message to identify the time entry.
#[clap(short, long)]
message : Option<String>,
/// For statistics about the state of your vault.
/// For making changes to global configuration.
/// Commands for interacting with vaults.
/// Switches to the specified vault.
Switch {
name : String,
#[derive(clap::StructOpt, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct ListOptions {
/// Which columns to include.
#[clap(short, value_enum)]
pub column : Vec<Column>,
/// Field to order by.
#[clap(long, value_enum, default_value_t=OrderBy::Id)]
pub order_by : OrderBy,
/// Sort ascending on descending.
#[clap(long, value_enum, default_value_t=Order::Asc)]
pub order : Order,
/// Tags to include.
#[clap(short, long)]
pub tag : Vec<String>,
/// Only include tasks due before a certain date (inclusive).
pub due_before : Option<chrono::NaiveDate>,
/// Only include tasks due after a certain date (inclusive).
pub due_after : Option<chrono::NaiveDate>,
/// Only include tasks created before a certain date (inclusive).
pub created_before : Option<chrono::NaiveDate>,
/// Only include tasks created after a certain date (inclusive).
pub created_after : Option<chrono::NaiveDate>,
/// Include completed tasks in the list.
pub include_completed : bool,
/// Only include tasks with no dependencies [alias: bottom-level].
#[clap(long, alias="bottom-level")]
pub no_dependencies : bool,
/// Only include tasks with no dependents [alias: top-level].
#[clap(long, alias="top-level")]
pub no_dependents : bool,
#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, clap::ValueEnum, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub enum Order {
#[derive(Default, Hash, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, clap::ValueEnum, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub enum Column {
#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, clap::ValueEnum, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub enum OrderBy {
#[derive(clap::Subcommand, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum StatsCommand {
/// View time tracked per tag recently.
Tracked {
#[clap(short, long, default_value_t=7)]
days : u16,
/// View recently completed tasks.
Completed {
#[clap(short, long, default_value_t=7)]
days : u16,
#[derive(clap::Subcommand, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum ConfigCommand {
/// For checking or changing default text editor command.
Editor {
/// Command to launch editor. Omit to view current editor.
editor : Option<String>,
#[derive(clap::Subcommand, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum VaultCommand {
/// Creates a new vault at the specified location of the given name.
New {
name : String,
path : path::PathBuf,
/// Disconnects the specified vault from toru, without altering the files.
Disconnect {
name : String,
/// Connects an existing fault to toru.
Connect {
name : String,
path : path::PathBuf,
/// Deletes the specified vault along with all of its data.
Delete {
name : String,
/// Lists all configured vaults.
/// For renaming an already set up vault.
Rename {
old_name : String,
new_name : String,
@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
use crate::tasks::Id;
use colored::Colorize;
// Yellow
pub static VAULT : (u8, u8, u8) = (243, 156, 18);
// Blue
pub static ID : (u8, u8, u8) = (52, 152, 219);
// Red
pub static ERROR : (u8, u8, u8) = (192, 57, 43);
// Purple
pub static COMMAND : (u8, u8, u8) = (155, 89, 182);
// Green
pub static TASK : (u8, u8, u8) = (39, 174, 96);
// Beige
pub static FILE : (u8, u8, u8) = (255, 184, 184);
// Grey
pub static GREY : (u8, u8, u8) = (99, 110, 114);
mod due {
pub static OVERDUE : (u8, u8, u8) = (192, 57, 43);
pub static VERY_CLOSE : (u8, u8, u8) = (231, 76, 60);
pub static CLOSE : (u8, u8, u8) = (241, 196, 15);
pub static PLENTY_OF_TIME : (u8, u8, u8) = (46, 204, 113);
pub mod priority {
pub static LOW : (u8, u8, u8) = (46, 204, 113);
pub static MEDIUM : (u8, u8, u8) = (241, 196, 15);
pub static HIGH : (u8, u8, u8) = (231, 76, 60);
pub mod cell {
use crate::tasks;
use chrono::SubsecRound;
fn cell<T : Into<comfy_table::Cell>>(text : T, colour : (u8, u8, u8)) -> comfy_table::Cell {
pub fn priority(priority : &tasks::Priority) -> comfy_table::Cell {
use tasks::Priority::*;
match priority {
Low => comfy_table::Cell::new("low").fg(comfy_table::Color::from(super::priority::LOW)),
Medium => comfy_table::Cell::new("medium").fg(comfy_table::Color::from(super::priority::MEDIUM)),
High => comfy_table::Cell::new("high").fg(comfy_table::Color::from(super::priority::HIGH)),
pub fn due_date(due : &chrono::NaiveDateTime, include_fuzzy_period : bool, colour : bool) -> comfy_table::Cell {
let remaining = *due - chrono::Local::now().naive_local();
let fuzzy_period = if remaining.num_days() != 0 {
let days = remaining.num_days().abs();
format!("{} day{}", days, if days == 1 {""} else {"s"})
else if remaining.num_hours() != 0 {
let hours = remaining.num_hours().abs();
format!("{} hour{}", hours, if hours == 1 {""} else {"s"})
else if remaining.num_minutes() != 0 {
let minutes = remaining.num_minutes().abs();
format!("{} minute{}", minutes, if minutes == 1 {""} else {"s"})
else {
let seconds = remaining.num_seconds().abs();
format!("{} second{}", seconds, if seconds == 1 {""} else {"s"})
if include_fuzzy_period {
if colour {
if remaining < chrono::Duration::zero() {
cell(format!("{} {}", due.round_subsecs(0), format!("({} overdue)", fuzzy_period)), super::due::OVERDUE)
else if remaining < chrono::Duration::days(1) {
cell(format!("{} {}", due.round_subsecs(0), format!("({} remaining)", fuzzy_period)), super::due::VERY_CLOSE)
else if remaining < chrono::Duration::days(5) {
cell(format!("{} {}", due.round_subsecs(0), format!("({} remaining)", fuzzy_period)), super::due::CLOSE)
else {
cell(format!("{} {}", due.round_subsecs(0), format!("({} remaining)", fuzzy_period)), super::due::PLENTY_OF_TIME)
else {
if remaining < chrono::Duration::zero() {
comfy_table::Cell::new(format!("{} ({} overdue)", due.round_subsecs(0), fuzzy_period))
else {
comfy_table::Cell::new(format!("{} ({} remaining)", due.round_subsecs(0), fuzzy_period))
else {
comfy_table::Cell::new(format!("{}", due.round_subsecs(0)))
pub mod text {
use super::*;
use crate::tasks;
use chrono::SubsecRound;
fn text(string : &str, colour : (u8, u8, u8)) -> colored::ColoredString {
string.truecolor(colour.0, colour.1, colour.2)
pub fn vault(string : &str) -> colored::ColoredString {
text(string, VAULT).bold()
pub fn id(id : Id) -> colored::ColoredString {
text(&id.to_string(), ID)
pub fn error(string : &str) -> colored::ColoredString {
text(string, ERROR).bold()
pub fn command(string : &str) -> colored::ColoredString {
text(string, COMMAND).bold()
pub fn task(string : &str) -> colored::ColoredString {
text(string, TASK).bold()
pub fn file(string : &str) -> colored::ColoredString {
text(string, FILE).bold()
pub fn greyed_out(string : &str) -> colored::ColoredString {
text(string, GREY)
pub fn priority(priority : &tasks::Priority) -> String {
use tasks::Priority::*;
let priority = match priority {
Low => text("low", super::priority::LOW),
Medium => text("medium", super::priority::MEDIUM),
High => text("high", super::priority::HIGH),
format!("{}", priority)
pub fn due_date(due : &chrono::NaiveDateTime, include_fuzzy_period : bool, colour : bool) -> String {
let remaining = *due - chrono::Local::now().naive_local();
let fuzzy_period = if remaining.num_days() != 0 {
let days = remaining.num_days().abs();
format!("{} day{}", days, if days == 1 {""} else {"s"})
else if remaining.num_hours() != 0 {
let hours = remaining.num_hours().abs();
format!("{} hour{}", hours, if hours == 1 {""} else {"s"})
else if remaining.num_minutes() != 0 {
let minutes = remaining.num_minutes().abs();
format!("{} minute{}", minutes, if minutes == 1 {""} else {"s"})
else {
let seconds = remaining.num_seconds().abs();
format!("{} second{}", seconds, if seconds == 1 {""} else {"s"})
if include_fuzzy_period {
if colour {
if remaining < chrono::Duration::zero() {
format!("{} {}", due.round_subsecs(0), text(&format!("({} overdue)", fuzzy_period), super::due::OVERDUE))
else if remaining < chrono::Duration::days(1) {
format!("{} {}", due.round_subsecs(0), text(&format!("({} remaining)", fuzzy_period), super::due::VERY_CLOSE))
else if remaining < chrono::Duration::days(5) {
format!("{} {}", due.round_subsecs(0), text(&format!("({} remaining)", fuzzy_period), super::due::CLOSE))
else {
format!("{} {}", due.round_subsecs(0), text(&format!("({} remaining)", fuzzy_period), super::due::PLENTY_OF_TIME))
else {
if remaining < chrono::Duration::zero() {
format!("{} ({} overdue)", due.round_subsecs(0), fuzzy_period)
else {
format!("{} ({} remaining)", due.round_subsecs(0), fuzzy_period)
else {
format!("{}", due.round_subsecs(0))
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
use crate::error;
use crate::colour;
use crate::format;
use std::path;
@ -46,7 +45,7 @@ impl Config {
for (name, _) in &mut self.vaults {
if *name == new_name {
return Err(error::Error::Generic(format!("A vault named {} already exists", colour::text::vault(&new_name))));
return Err(error::Error::Generic(format!("A vault named {} already exists", format::vault(&new_name))));
if name == old_name {
@ -60,7 +59,7 @@ impl Config {
None => {
Err(error::Error::Generic(format!("No vault named {} exists", colour::text::vault(old_name))))
Err(error::Error::Generic(format!("No vault named {} exists", format::vault(old_name))))
@ -82,7 +81,7 @@ impl Config {
None => {
Err(error::Error::Generic(format!("No vault by the name {} exists", colour::text::vault(name))))
Err(error::Error::Generic(format!("No vault by the name {} exists", format::vault(name))))
@ -94,7 +93,7 @@ impl Config {
None => {
Err(error::Error::Generic(format!("No vault by the name {} exists", colour::text::vault(name))))
Err(error::Error::Generic(format!("No vault by the name {} exists", format::vault(name))))
@ -105,7 +104,7 @@ impl Config {
let width = self.vaults.iter().fold(usize::MIN, |c, (n, _)| c.max(n.len()));
if self.vaults.is_empty() {
Err(error::Error::Generic(format!("No vaults currently set up, try running: {}", colour::text::command("toru vault new <NAME> <PATH>"))))
Err(error::Error::Generic(format!("No vaults currently set up, try running: {}", format::command("toru vault new <NAME> <PATH>"))))
else {
for (i, (name, path)) in self.vaults.iter().enumerate() {
@ -117,7 +116,7 @@ impl Config {
print!(" ");
print!("{}", colour::text::vault(name));
print!("{}", format::vault(name));
let padding = width - name.len() + 1;
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ use crate::tasks;
use crate::error;
use crate::graph;
use crate::state;
use crate::colour;
use crate::format;
use crate::tasks::Id;
pub fn open_editor(path : &path::Path, editor : &str) -> Result<process::ExitStatus, error::Error> {
@ -75,9 +75,18 @@ pub fn edit_raw(id : Id, vault_folder : path::PathBuf, editor : &str, state : &m
else {
let mut edited_task = tasks::Task::load_direct(temp_path.clone(), true)?;
// Enforce time entry duration invariant.
for entry in & {
if !entry.duration.satisfies_invariant() {
return Err(error::Error::Generic(String::from("Task duration must not have a number of minutes greater than 60")))
// Make sure ID is not changed.
if != {
Err(error::Error::Generic(String::from("You cannot change the ID of a task in a direct edit")))
// Enforce non numeric name invariant.
else if|c| c.is_numeric()) {
Err(error::Error::Generic(String::from("Name must not be purely numeric")))
@ -93,7 +102,7 @@ pub fn edit_raw(id : Id, vault_folder : path::PathBuf, editor : &str, state : &m
||||, *dependency)?;
else {
return Err(error::Error::Generic(format!("No task with an ID of {} exists", colour::text::id(*dependency))));
return Err(error::Error::Generic(format!("No task with an ID of {} exists", format::id(*dependency))));
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
use crate::colour;
use crate::format;
use std::io;
use std::fmt;
@ -20,15 +20,15 @@ pub enum Error {
impl fmt::Display for Error {
fn fmt(&self, f : &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Error::Io(err) => write!(f, "{} {}", colour::text::error("Internal Error:"), err),
Error::Confy(err) => write!(f, "{} {}", colour::text::error("Internal Error:"), err),
Error::Trash(err) => write!(f, "{} {}", colour::text::error("Internal Error:"), err),
Error::TomlDe(err) => write!(f, "{} {}", colour::text::error("Internal Error:"), err),
Error::TomlSer(err) => write!(f, "{} {}", colour::text::error("Internal Error:"), err),
Error::Utf8(err) => write!(f, "{} {}", colour::text::error("Internal Error:"), err),
Error::Fmt(err) => write!(f, "{} {}", colour::text::error("Internal Error:"), err),
Error::Generic(message) => write!(f, "{} {}", colour::text::error("Error:"), message),
Error::Internal(message) => write!(f, "{} {}", colour::text::error("Internal Error:"), message),
Error::Io(err) => write!(f, "{} {}", format::error("Internal Error:"), err),
Error::Confy(err) => write!(f, "{} {}", format::error("Internal Error:"), err),
Error::Trash(err) => write!(f, "{} {}", format::error("Internal Error:"), err),
Error::TomlDe(err) => write!(f, "{} {}", format::error("Internal Error:"), err),
Error::TomlSer(err) => write!(f, "{} {}", format::error("Internal Error:"), err),
Error::Utf8(err) => write!(f, "{} {}", format::error("Internal Error:"), err),
Error::Fmt(err) => write!(f, "{} {}", format::error("Internal Error:"), err),
Error::Generic(message) => write!(f, "{} {}", format::error("Error:"), message),
Error::Internal(message) => write!(f, "{} {}", format::error("Internal Error:"), message),
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
use crate::tasks;
use crate::graph;
use crate::error;
use crate::tasks::Id;
use std::fmt;
use std::path;
use std::collections::{HashSet, HashMap};
use colored::Colorize;
use chrono::SubsecRound;
// Yellow
pub static VAULT : (u8, u8, u8) = (243, 156, 18);
// Blue
pub static ID : (u8, u8, u8) = (52, 152, 219);
// Red
pub static ERROR : (u8, u8, u8) = (192, 57, 43);
// Purple
pub static COMMAND : (u8, u8, u8) = (155, 89, 182);
// Green
pub static TASK : (u8, u8, u8) = (39, 174, 96);
// Beige
pub static FILE : (u8, u8, u8) = (255, 184, 184);
// Grey
pub static GREY : (u8, u8, u8) = (99, 110, 114);
mod due {
pub static OVERDUE : (u8, u8, u8) = (192, 57, 43);
pub static VERY_CLOSE : (u8, u8, u8) = (231, 76, 60);
pub static CLOSE : (u8, u8, u8) = (241, 196, 15);
pub static PLENTY_OF_TIME : (u8, u8, u8) = (46, 204, 113);
pub mod priority {
pub static LOW : (u8, u8, u8) = (46, 204, 113);
pub static MEDIUM : (u8, u8, u8) = (241, 196, 15);
pub static HIGH : (u8, u8, u8) = (231, 76, 60);
fn text(string : &str, colour : (u8, u8, u8)) -> colored::ColoredString {
string.truecolor(colour.0, colour.1, colour.2)
pub fn vault(string : &str) -> colored::ColoredString {
text(string, VAULT).bold()
pub fn id(id : Id) -> colored::ColoredString {
text(&id.to_string(), ID)
pub fn error(string : &str) -> colored::ColoredString {
text(string, ERROR).bold()
pub fn command(string : &str) -> colored::ColoredString {
text(string, COMMAND).bold()
pub fn task(string : &str) -> colored::ColoredString {
text(string, TASK).bold()
pub fn file(string : &str) -> colored::ColoredString {
text(string, FILE).bold()
pub fn greyed_out(string : &str) -> colored::ColoredString {
text(string, GREY)
pub fn priority(priority : &tasks::Priority) -> String {
use tasks::Priority::*;
let priority = match priority {
Low => text("low", priority::LOW),
Medium => text("medium", priority::MEDIUM),
High => text("high", priority::HIGH),
format!("{}", priority)
pub fn hash_set<T : fmt::Display>(set : &HashSet<T>) -> Result<String, error::Error> {
let mut output = String::new();
for value in set.iter() {
fmt::write(&mut output, format_args!("{}, ", value))?;
// Remove the trailing comma and space.
if !output.is_empty() {
pub fn due_date(due : &chrono::NaiveDateTime, include_fuzzy_period : bool) -> String {
let remaining = *due - chrono::Local::now().naive_local();
let fuzzy_period = if remaining.num_days() != 0 {
let days = remaining.num_days().abs();
format!("{} day{}", days, if days == 1 {""} else {"s"})
else if remaining.num_hours() != 0 {
let hours = remaining.num_hours().abs();
format!("{} hour{}", hours, if hours == 1 {""} else {"s"})
else if remaining.num_minutes() != 0 {
let minutes = remaining.num_minutes().abs();
format!("{} minute{}", minutes, if minutes == 1 {""} else {"s"})
else {
let seconds = remaining.num_seconds().abs();
format!("{} second{}", seconds, if seconds == 1 {""} else {"s"})
if include_fuzzy_period {
if remaining < chrono::Duration::zero() {
format!("{} {}", due.round_subsecs(0), text(&format!("({} overdue)", fuzzy_period), due::OVERDUE))
else if remaining < chrono::Duration::days(1) {
format!("{} {}", due.round_subsecs(0), text(&format!("({} remaining)", fuzzy_period), due::VERY_CLOSE))
else if remaining < chrono::Duration::days(5) {
format!("{} {}", due.round_subsecs(0), text(&format!("({} remaining)", fuzzy_period), due::CLOSE))
else {
format!("{} {}", due.round_subsecs(0), text(&format!("({} remaining)", fuzzy_period), due::PLENTY_OF_TIME))
else {
format!("{}", due.round_subsecs(0))
pub fn dependencies(start : Id, vault_folder : &path::Path, graph : &graph::Graph) -> Result<(), error::Error> {
pub fn helper(curr : Id, prefix : &String, is_last_item : bool, graph : &graph::Graph, tasks : &HashMap<Id, tasks::Task>) -> Result<(), error::Error> {
let next = graph.edges.get(&curr).unwrap();
let task = tasks.get(&curr).unwrap();
let name = if {
else {
if is_last_item {
println!("{}└──{} (ID: {})", prefix, name, self::id(curr))
else {
println!("{}├──{} (ID: {})", prefix, name, self::id(curr))
let count = next.len();
for (i, node) in next.iter().enumerate() {
let new_is_last_item = i == count - 1;
let new_prefix = if is_last_item {
format!("{} ", prefix)
else {
format!("{}│ ", prefix)
helper(*node, &new_prefix, new_is_last_item, graph, tasks)?;
let tasks = tasks::Task::load_all_as_map(vault_folder, true)?;
helper(start, &String::new(), true, graph, &tasks)
pub mod cell {
use crate::tasks;
use chrono::SubsecRound;
fn cell<T : Into<comfy_table::Cell>>(text : T, colour : (u8, u8, u8)) -> comfy_table::Cell {
pub fn priority(priority : &tasks::Priority) -> comfy_table::Cell {
use tasks::Priority::*;
match priority {
Low => comfy_table::Cell::new("low").fg(comfy_table::Color::from(super::priority::LOW)),
Medium => comfy_table::Cell::new("medium").fg(comfy_table::Color::from(super::priority::MEDIUM)),
High => comfy_table::Cell::new("high").fg(comfy_table::Color::from(super::priority::HIGH)),
pub fn due_date(due : &chrono::NaiveDateTime, include_fuzzy_period : bool) -> comfy_table::Cell {
let remaining = *due - chrono::Local::now().naive_local();
let fuzzy_period = if remaining.num_days() != 0 {
let days = remaining.num_days().abs();
format!("{} day{}", days, if days == 1 {""} else {"s"})
else if remaining.num_hours() != 0 {
let hours = remaining.num_hours().abs();
format!("{} hour{}", hours, if hours == 1 {""} else {"s"})
else if remaining.num_minutes() != 0 {
let minutes = remaining.num_minutes().abs();
format!("{} minute{}", minutes, if minutes == 1 {""} else {"s"})
else {
let seconds = remaining.num_seconds().abs();
format!("{} second{}", seconds, if seconds == 1 {""} else {"s"})
if include_fuzzy_period {
if remaining < chrono::Duration::zero() {
cell(format!("{} {}", due.round_subsecs(0), format!("({} overdue)", fuzzy_period)), super::due::OVERDUE)
else if remaining < chrono::Duration::days(1) {
cell(format!("{} {}", due.round_subsecs(0), format!("({} remaining)", fuzzy_period)), super::due::VERY_CLOSE)
else if remaining < chrono::Duration::days(5) {
cell(format!("{} {}", due.round_subsecs(0), format!("({} remaining)", fuzzy_period)), super::due::CLOSE)
else {
cell(format!("{} {}", due.round_subsecs(0), format!("({} remaining)", fuzzy_period)), super::due::PLENTY_OF_TIME)
else {
comfy_table::Cell::new(format!("{}", due.round_subsecs(0)))
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
use crate::error;
use crate::tasks;
use crate::colour;
use crate::format;
use crate::tasks::Id;
use std::fmt::Write;
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ impl Graph {
Err(error::Error::Internal(String::from("Attempt to insert an edge in the dependency graph with a node which wasn't present")))
else if first == second {
Err(error::Error::Generic(format!("Note with ID {} cannot depend on itself", colour::text::id(first))))
Err(error::Error::Generic(format!("Note with ID {} cannot depend on itself", format::id(first))))
else {
let outgoing = self.edges.get_mut(&first).unwrap();
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ pub fn format_cycle(cycle : &Vec<Id>) -> String {
let mut formatted = String::new();
for (index, node) in cycle.iter().enumerate() {
write!(&mut formatted, "{}", colour::text::id(*node)).unwrap();
write!(&mut formatted, "{}", format::id(*node)).unwrap();
if index != cycle.len() - 1 {
formatted.push_str(" -> ");
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
use crate::tasks;
use crate::error;
use crate::colour;
use crate::format;
use crate::tasks::Id;
use std::fmt::Write;
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ impl Index {
else {
let coloured_ids : Vec<_> =
.map(|i| colour::text::id(*i))
.map(|i| format::id(*i))
let mut display_ids = String::new();
@ -83,10 +83,10 @@ impl Index {
Err(error::Error::Generic(format!("Multiple notes (Ids: [{}]) by that name exist", display_ids)))
Err(error::Error::Generic(format!("Multiple tasks (Ids: [{}]) by that name exist", display_ids)))
None => Err(error::Error::Generic(format!("A note by the name {} does not exist", colour::text::task(name)))),
None => Err(error::Error::Generic(format!("A note by the name {} does not exist", format::task(name)))),
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
mod vcs;
mod edit;
mod args;
mod vault;
mod index;
mod error;
@ -8,270 +9,57 @@ mod state;
mod graph;
mod stats;
mod config;
mod colour;
mod format;
use tasks::Id;
use std::path;
#[derive(clap::Parser, Debug)]
struct Args {
command : Command,
#[derive(clap::Subcommand, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
#[clap(version, help_short='h', about, author, global_setting=clap::AppSettings::DisableHelpSubcommand)]
enum Command {
/// Create a new task.
New {
#[clap(short, long)]
name : String,
#[clap(short, long)]
info : Option<String>,
#[clap(short, long)]
tag : Vec<String>,
#[clap(short, long)]
dependency : Vec<Id>,
#[clap(short, long, value_enum)]
priority : Option<tasks::Priority>,
/// Due date, expecting format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss
due : Option<chrono::NaiveDateTime>,
/// Displays the specified task in detail.
View {
id_or_name : String,
/// Edit a task directly.
Edit {
id_or_name : String,
/// Edit the info specifically in its own file.
#[clap(short, long)]
info : bool,
/// Delete a task (move file to trash).
Delete {
id_or_name : String,
/// Mark a task as complete.
Complete {
id_or_name : String,
/// Run Git commands at the root of the vault.
Git {
args : Vec<String>,
/// Run Subversion commands at the root of the vault.
Svn {
args : Vec<String>,
/// Adds the recommended .gitignore file to the vault.
/// Lists tasks according to the specified fields, ordering and filters.
List {
options : ListOptions,
/// For tracking time against a task.
Track {
id_or_name : String,
#[clap(short='H', default_value_t=0)]
hours : u16,
#[clap(short='M', default_value_t=0)]
minutes : u16,
/// Date for the time entry [default: Today]
#[clap(short, long)]
date : Option<chrono::NaiveDate>,
/// Message to identify the time entry.
#[clap(short, long)]
message : Option<String>,
/// For statistics about the state of your vault.
/// For making changes to global configuration.
/// Commands for interacting with vaults.
/// Switches to the specified vault.
Switch {
name : String,
#[derive(clap::StructOpt, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct ListOptions {
/// Which columns to include.
#[clap(short, value_enum)]
column : Vec<Column>,
/// Field to order by.
#[clap(long, value_enum, default_value_t=OrderBy::Id)]
order_by : OrderBy,
/// Sort ascending on descending.
#[clap(long, value_enum, default_value_t=Order::Asc)]
order : Order,
/// Tags to include.
#[clap(short, long)]
tag : Vec<String>,
/// Only include tasks due before a certain date (inclusive).
due_before : Option<chrono::NaiveDate>,
/// Only include tasks due after a certain date (inclusive).
due_after : Option<chrono::NaiveDate>,
/// Only include tasks created before a certain date (inclusive).
created_before : Option<chrono::NaiveDate>,
/// Only include tasks created after a certain date (inclusive).
created_after : Option<chrono::NaiveDate>,
/// Include completed tasks in the list.
include_completed : bool,
/// Only include notes with no dependencies [alias: bottom-level].
#[clap(long, alias="bottom-level")]
no_dependencies : bool,
/// Only include notes with no dependents [alias: top-level].
#[clap(long, alias="top-level")]
no_dependents : bool,
#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, clap::ValueEnum, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub enum Order {
#[derive(Default, Hash, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, clap::ValueEnum, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub enum Column {
#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, clap::ValueEnum, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub enum OrderBy {
#[derive(clap::Subcommand, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum StatsCommand {
/// View time tracked per tag recently.
Tracked {
#[clap(short, long, default_value_t=7)]
days : u16,
/// View recently completed tasks.
Completed {
#[clap(short, long, default_value_t=7)]
days : u16,
#[derive(clap::Subcommand, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum ConfigCommand {
/// For checking or changing default text editor command.
Editor {
/// Command to launch editor. Omit to view current editor.
editor : Option<String>,
#[derive(clap::Subcommand, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum VaultCommand {
/// Creates a new vault at the specified location of the given name.
New {
name : String,
path : path::PathBuf,
/// Disconnects the specified vault from toru, without altering the files.
Disconnect {
name : String,
/// Connects an existing fault to toru.
Connect {
name : String,
path : path::PathBuf,
/// Deletes the specified vault along with all of its data.
Delete {
name : String,
/// Lists all configured vaults.
/// For renaming an already set up vault.
Rename {
old_name : String,
new_name : String,
use args::*;
fn main() {
let result = program();
match result {
Ok(()) => (),
Ok(()) => {
Err(err) => {
println!("{}", err);
fn program() -> Result<(), error::Error> {
let command = {
use clap::Parser;
let command = Args::accept_command();
let mut config = config::Config::load()?;
use Command::*;
if let Vault(command) = command {
use VaultCommand::*;
if let Command::Vault(command) = command {
match command {
New { name, path } => {
VaultCommand::New { name, path } => {
vault::new(name.clone(), path, &mut config)?;
println!("Created vault {}", colour::text::vault(&name));
println!("Created vault {}", format::vault(&name));
Disconnect { name } => {
VaultCommand::Disconnect { name } => {
vault::disconnect(&name, &mut config)?;
println!("Disconnected vault {}", colour::text::vault(&name));
println!("Disconnected vault {}", format::vault(&name));
Connect { name , path } => {
VaultCommand::Connect { name , path } => {
vault::connect(name.clone(), path, &mut config)?;
println!("Connected vault {}", colour::text::vault(&name));
println!("Connected vault {}", format::vault(&name));
Delete { name } => {
VaultCommand::Delete { name } => {
vault::delete(&name, &mut config)?;
println!("Deleted vault {}", colour::text::vault(&name));
println!("Deleted vault {}", format::vault(&name));
List => {
VaultCommand::List => {
Rename { old_name, new_name } => {
VaultCommand::Rename { old_name, new_name } => {
config.rename_vault(&old_name, new_name.clone())?;
println!("Renamed vault {} to {}", colour::text::vault(&old_name), colour::text::vault(&new_name));
println!("Renamed vault {} to {}", format::vault(&old_name), format::vault(&new_name));
else if let Config(command) = command {
else if let Command::Config(command) = command {
use ConfigCommand::*;
match command {
Editor { editor } => {
@ -287,20 +75,20 @@ fn program() -> Result<(), error::Error> {
else if let Switch { name } = command {
else if let Command::Switch { name } = command {
println!("Switched to vault {}", colour::text::vault(&name));
println!("Switched to vault {}", format::vault(&name));
else if let Git { args } = command {
else if let Command::Git { args } = command {
let vault_folder = &config.current_vault()?.1;
vcs::command(args, vcs::Vcs::Git, vault_folder)?;
else if command == GitIgnore {
else if command == Command::GitIgnore {
let vault_folder = &config.current_vault()?.1;
println!("Default {} file created", colour::text::file(".gitignore"));
println!("Default {} file created", format::file(".gitignore"));
else if let Svn { args } = command {
else if let Command::Svn { args } = command {
let vault_folder = &config.current_vault()?.1;
vcs::command(args, vcs::Vcs::Svn, vault_folder)?;
@ -310,11 +98,11 @@ fn program() -> Result<(), error::Error> {
let mut state = state::State::load(vault_folder)?;
match command {
New { name, info, tags, dependencies, priority, due } => {
let task = tasks::Task::new(name, info, tags, dependencies, priority, due, vault_folder, &mut state)?;
println!("Created task {} (ID: {})", colour::text::task(&, colour::text::id(;
Command::New { name, info, tag, dependency, priority, due } => {
let task = tasks::Task::new(name, info, tag, dependency, priority, due, vault_folder, &mut state)?;
println!("Created task {} (ID: {})", format::task(&, format::id(;
Delete { id_or_name } => {
Command::Delete { id_or_name } => {
let id =;
let task = tasks::Task::load(id, vault_folder, false)?;
let name =;
@ -322,14 +110,14 @@ fn program() -> Result<(), error::Error> {
println!("Deleted task {} (ID: {})", colour::text::task(&name), colour::text::id(id));
println!("Deleted task {} (ID: {})", format::task(&name), format::id(id));
View { id_or_name } => {
Command::View { id_or_name } => {
let id =;
let task = tasks::Task::load(id, vault_folder, true)?;
task.display(vault_folder, &state)?;
Edit { id_or_name, info } => {
Command::Edit { id_or_name, info } => {
let id =;
if info {
edit::edit_info(id, vault_folder.clone(), &config.editor)?;
@ -337,16 +125,16 @@ fn program() -> Result<(), error::Error> {
else {
edit::edit_raw(id, vault_folder.clone(), &config.editor, &mut state)?;
println!("Updated task {}", colour::text::id(id));
println!("Updated task {}", format::id(id));
Track { id_or_name, hours, minutes, date, message } => {
Command::Track { id_or_name, hours, minutes, date, message } => {
let id =;
let mut task = tasks::Task::load(id, vault_folder, false)?;
let entry = tasks::TimeEntry::new(hours, minutes, date, message);
Stats(command) => {
Command::Stats(command) => {
use StatsCommand::*;
match command {
Tracked { days } => {
@ -357,18 +145,18 @@ fn program() -> Result<(), error::Error> {
Complete { id_or_name } => {
Command::Complete { id_or_name } => {
let id =;
let mut task = tasks::Task::load(id, vault_folder, false)?;
|||| = Some(chrono::Local::now().naive_local());
println!("Marked task {} as complete", colour::text::id(id));
println!("Marked task {} as complete", format::id(id));
List { options } => {
Command::List { options } => {
tasks::list(options, vault_folder, &state)?;
// All commands which are dealt with in if let chain at start.
Vault(_) | Config(_) | Git { args : _ } | Svn { args : _ } | Switch { name : _ } | GitIgnore => unreachable!(),
Command::Vault(_) | Command::Config(_) | Command::Git { args : _ } | Command::Svn { args : _ } | Command::Switch { name : _ } | Command::GitIgnore => unreachable!(),
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ pub struct InternalState {
impl State {
/// This function should be called after creating or checking that the "notes" folder exists.
/// This function should be called after creating or checking that the "tasks" folder exists.
pub fn load(vault_location : &path::Path) -> Result<Self, error::Error> {
let path = vault_location.join("state.toml");
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ impl State {
// Calculating the next ID if necessary.
let mut max_id : i128 = -1;
for id in vault_location.join("notes").read_dir()?.filter_map(|p| p.ok()).map(|p| p.path()).filter(|p| p.extension().map(|s| s.to_str()) == Some(Some("toml"))).filter_map(|p| p.file_stem().map(|x| x.to_str().map(|y| y.to_string()))).flatten().filter_map(|p| p.parse::<Id>().ok()) {
for id in vault_location.join("tasks").read_dir()?.filter_map(|p| p.ok()).map(|p| p.path()).filter(|p| p.extension().map(|s| s.to_str()) == Some(Some("toml"))).filter_map(|p| p.file_stem().map(|x| x.to_str().map(|y| y.to_string()))).flatten().filter_map(|p| p.parse::<Id>().ok()) {
if i128::try_from(id).unwrap() > max_id {
max_id = i128::from(id);
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
use crate::error;
use crate::state;
use crate::graph;
use crate::colour;
use crate::format;
use std::io;
use std::fs;
@ -30,19 +29,6 @@ pub enum Priority {
impl fmt::Display for Priority {
fn fmt(&self, f : &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
use Priority::*;
let priority = match self {
Low => "low",
Medium => "medium",
High => "high",
write!(f, "{}", priority)
#[derive(Debug, Clone, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct TimeEntry {
pub logged_date : chrono::NaiveDate,
@ -50,14 +36,12 @@ pub struct TimeEntry {
pub duration : Duration,
// Needs to preserve representation invariant of minutes < 60
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct Duration {
hours : u16,
minutes : u16,
#[derive(Debug, serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize)]
pub struct InternalTask {
pub id : Id,
@ -76,14 +60,16 @@ impl Task {
/// Creates a new task from the input data.
pub fn new(name : String, info : Option<String>, tags : Vec<String>, dependencies : Vec<Id>, priority : Option<Priority>, due : Option<chrono::NaiveDateTime>, vault_folder : &path::Path, state : &mut state::State) -> Result<Self, error::Error> {
// Exclude numeric names in the interest of allowing commands that take in ID or name.
if name.chars().all(|c| c.is_numeric()) {
return Err(error::Error::Generic(String::from("Name must not be purely numeric")));
// Update the state with the new next Id.
let id =;
|||| += 1;
let path = vault_folder.join("notes").join(&format!("{}.toml", id));
let path = vault_folder.join("tasks").join(&format!("{}.toml", id));
let mut file = fs::File::options()
@ -98,7 +84,7 @@ impl Task {
||||, *dependency)?;
else {
return Err(error::Error::Generic(format!("No task with an ID of {} exists", colour::text::id(*dependency))));
return Err(error::Error::Generic(format!("No task with an ID of {} exists", format::id(*dependency))));
@ -163,7 +149,7 @@ impl Task {
/// Get an iterator over the IDs of tasks in a vault.
fn id_iter(vault_folder : &path::Path) -> impl Iterator<Item = u64> {
.map(|entry| entry.unwrap().path())
.filter(|p| p.is_file())
@ -198,12 +184,12 @@ impl Task {
/// Checks that a task with the prodided ID exists in the provided vault_folder. Returns the
/// path of that task.
pub fn check_exists(id : Id, vault_folder : &path::Path) -> Result<path::PathBuf, error::Error> {
let path = vault_folder.join("notes").join(format!("{}.toml", id));
let path = vault_folder.join("tasks").join(format!("{}.toml", id));
if path.exists() && path.is_file() {
else {
Err(error::Error::Generic(format!("No task with the ID {} exists", colour::text::id(id))))
Err(error::Error::Generic(format!("No task with the ID {} exists", format::id(id))))
@ -241,6 +227,7 @@ impl Task {
/// Displays a task to the terminal.
pub fn display(&self, vault_folder : &path::Path, state : &state::State) -> Result<(), error::Error> {
/// Displays a line of hyphens of a specified length.
fn line(len : usize) {
for _ in 0..len {
@ -248,23 +235,21 @@ impl Task {
let (heading, heading_length) = {
let (heading, heading_length) =
format!("[{}] {} {}", if {"X"} else {" "}, colour::text::id(, colour::text::task(&,
format!("[{}] {} {}", if {"X"} else {" "}, format::id(, format::task(&,
5 + +
println!("{}", heading);
println!("Priority: {}", colour::text::priority(&;
println!("Tags: [{}]", format_hash_set(&;
println!("Priority: {}", format::priority(&;
println!("Tags: [{}]", format::hash_set(&;
println!("Created: {}",;
if let Some(due) = {
let due = colour::text::due_date(&due,, true);
let due = format::due_date(&due,;
println!("Due: {}", due);
@ -283,10 +268,11 @@ impl Task {
// Display tracked time.
if ! {
let mut entries =;
// Sort entries by date.
// Sort time entries by date.
entries.sort_by(|e1, e2| e1.logged_date.cmp(&e2.logged_date));
let mut total = Duration::zero();
@ -307,71 +293,58 @@ impl Task {
// Display dependencies as tree.
if ! {
let tasks = Task::load_all_as_map(vault_folder, true)?;
dependency_tree(, &String::new(), true, &, &tasks);
format::dependencies(, vault_folder, &;
fn format_hash_set<T : fmt::Display>(set : &HashSet<T>) -> Result<String, error::Error> {
let mut output = String::new();
for value in set.iter() {
fmt::write(&mut output, format_args!("{}, ", value))?;
// Remove the trailing comma and space.
if !output.is_empty() {
fn dependency_tree(start : Id, prefix : &String, is_last_item : bool, graph : &graph::Graph, tasks : &HashMap<Id, Task>) {
let next = graph.edges.get(&start).unwrap();
let task = tasks.get(&start).unwrap();
let name = if {
else {
if is_last_item {
println!("{}└──{} (ID: {})", prefix, name, colour::text::id(start))
else {
println!("{}├──{} (ID: {})", prefix, name, colour::text::id(start))
impl Duration {
pub fn zero() -> Self {
Self {
minutes : 0,
hours : 0,
let count = next.len();
for (i, node) in next.iter().enumerate() {
let new_is_last_item = i == count - 1;
let new_prefix = if is_last_item {
format!("{} ", prefix)
else {
format!("{}│ ", prefix)
dependency_tree(*node, &new_prefix, new_is_last_item, graph, tasks);
pub fn satisfies_invariant(&self) -> bool {
self.minutes < 60
impl TimeEntry {
/// Adds up the times from a collection of time entries.
fn total(entries : &[TimeEntry]) -> Duration {
.map(|e| e.duration)
.fold(Duration::zero(), |a, d| a + d)
/// Creates a new TimeEntry, correctly validating and setting defaults.
pub fn new(hours : u16, minutes : u16, date : Option<chrono::NaiveDate>, message : Option<String>) -> Self {
let (hours, minutes) = {
(hours + minutes / 60, minutes % 60)
Self {
logged_date : date.unwrap_or(chrono::Utc::now().naive_local().date()),
duration : Duration {
/// Compares due dates correctly, treating None as at infinity.
fn compare_due_dates<T : Ord>(first : &Option<T>, second : &Option<T>) -> cmp::Ordering {
match (first, second) {
(None, None) => cmp::Ordering::Equal,
@ -381,9 +354,9 @@ fn compare_due_dates<T : Ord>(first : &Option<T>, second : &Option<T>) -> cmp::O
/// Lists all tasks in the specified vault.
pub fn list(mut options : super::ListOptions, vault_folder : &path::Path, state : &state::State) -> Result<(), error::Error> {
let mut table = comfy_table::Table::new();
@ -578,15 +551,15 @@ pub fn list(mut options : super::ListOptions, vault_folder : &path::Path, state
Column::Due => {
row.push(match {
Some(due) => colour::cell::due_date(&due,, true),
Some(due) => format::cell::due_date(&due,,
None => Cell::from(String::new())
Column::Tags => {
Column::Priority => {
Column::Status => {
@ -624,16 +597,6 @@ impl ops::Add for Duration {
impl Duration {
pub fn zero() -> Self {
Self {
minutes : 0,
hours : 0,
impl ops::Div<usize> for Duration {
type Output = Self;
@ -655,31 +618,15 @@ impl fmt::Display for Duration {
impl TimeEntry {
/// Adds up the times from a collection of time entries.
fn total(entries : &[TimeEntry]) -> Duration {
.map(|e| e.duration)
.fold(Duration::zero(), |a, d| a + d)
/// Creates a new TimeEntry, correctly validating and setting defaults.
pub fn new(hours : u16, minutes : u16, date : Option<chrono::NaiveDate>, message : Option<String>) -> Self {
let (hours, minutes) = {
(hours + minutes / 60, minutes % 60)
impl fmt::Display for Priority {
fn fmt(&self, f : &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
use Priority::*;
let priority = match self {
Low => "low",
Medium => "medium",
High => "high",
Self {
logged_date : date.unwrap_or(chrono::Utc::now().naive_local().date()),
duration : Duration {
write!(f, "{}", priority)
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
use crate::error;
use crate::state;
use crate::colour;
use crate::format;
use crate::config;
use std::fs;
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ use std::path;
pub fn new(name : String, path : path::PathBuf, config : &mut config::Config) -> Result<(), error::Error> {
fn create_all_metadata(path : &path::Path) -> Result<(), error::Error> {
let _ = state::State::load(path)?;
@ -67,11 +67,11 @@ pub fn connect(name : String, path : path::PathBuf, config : &mut config::Config
// Folder exists and contains data.
if path.exists() && path.is_dir() {
// Vault is missing required metadata files.
if !path.join("notes").exists() {
Err(error::Error::Generic(format!("Cannot connect the vault as it is missing the {} folder", colour::text::file("notes"))))
if !path.join("tasks").exists() {
Err(error::Error::Generic(format!("Cannot connect the vault as it is missing the {} folder", format::file("tasks"))))
else if !path.join("state.toml").exists() {
Err(error::Error::Generic(format!("Cannot connect the vault as it is missing the {} file", colour::text::file("state.toml"))))
Err(error::Error::Generic(format!("Cannot connect the vault as it is missing the {} file", format::file("state.toml"))))
// Required metadata exists, so the vault is connected.
else {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user