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open General
2021-12-16 10:01:08 +00:00
module type RBTreeSet = sig
type member
type set
val empty : set
val insert : member -> set -> set
val member : member -> set -> bool
val union : set -> set -> set
val of_list : member list -> set
val remove : member -> set -> set
val difference : set -> set -> set
val cardinality : set -> int
module type SetSpecification = sig
type member
val comparison : member -> member -> int
module RBTreeSet (M : SetSpecification) : RBTreeSet with type member = M.member = struct
type colour =
| Red
| Black
type member = M.member
type set =
| Leaf
| Branch of colour * member * set * set
let empty = Leaf
let rec member v = function
| Leaf -> false
| Branch (_, value, left, right) ->
if M.comparison v value < 0 then
member v left
else if M.comparison v value > 0 then
member v right
let balance = function
| Black, z, Branch (Red, y, Branch (Red, x, a, b), c), d
| Black, z, Branch (Red, x, a, Branch (Red, y, b, c)), d
| Black, x, a, Branch (Red, z, Branch (Red, y, b, c), d)
| Black, x, a, Branch (Red, y, b, Branch (Red, z, c, d)) ->
Branch (Red, y, Branch (Black, x, a, b), Branch (Black, z, c, d))
| a, b, c, d -> Branch (a, b, c, d)
let rec insert_helper v = function
| Leaf -> Branch (Red, v, Leaf, Leaf)
| Branch (colour, value, left, right) ->
if M.comparison v value < 0 then
balance (colour, value, insert_helper v left, right)
else if M.comparison v value > 0 then
balance (colour, value, left, insert_helper v right)
Branch (colour, v, left, right)
let insert (v : member) (set : set) : set =
match insert_helper v set with
| Branch (_, value, left, right) -> Branch (Black, value, left, right)
| Leaf -> Fatal.failwith "if this exception is raised there is an error in the implementation of the function that called it"
2021-12-16 10:01:08 +00:00
let rec union set1 set2 =
match set1 with
| Leaf -> set2
| Branch (colour, value, left, right) ->
union left (union right (insert value set2))
let rec of_list_helper (ls : member list) (acc : set) : set =
match ls with
| x :: xs -> of_list_helper xs (insert x acc)
| [] -> acc
let of_list ls = of_list_helper ls empty
let rec remove (v : member) (set : set) : set =
match set with
| Leaf -> Leaf
| Branch (colour, value, left, right) ->
if M.comparison v value < 0 then
balance (colour, value, remove v left, right)
else if M.comparison v value > 0 then
balance (colour, value, left, remove v right)
union left right
(* This needs a more efficient implementation. *)
let rec difference (set1 : set) (set2 : set) : set =
match set2 with
| Leaf -> set1
| Branch (_, value, left, right) ->
difference (union left right) (remove value set1)
(* Need a tail recursive implementation. *)
let rec cardinality (set : set) : int =
match set with
| Leaf -> 0
| Branch (_, _, left, right) ->
Int.(cardinality left + cardinality right + 1)
2021-12-16 10:01:08 +00:00
(* Planned Functions:
- to_list
- intersection
- equal